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September, 2020

Hello Parent/Guardian:

Welcome to 5/6M! I am excited for the opportunity to work with your child this year. I am sure we will have an interesting time and I thank you, in advance, for your support and flexiblity as we figure out this "new normal"... anyone else tired of that phrase?!? :-)


Here are some general guidelines for home to help keep your child stay organized and to help them have high expectations for him/herself as a learner:

  • Check student planner each night for messages & assignment info from school. 

  • Help your child set up an effective work space at home.

  • Basic skills: reading, writing and math are our main focus at this time. Help by setting a time each day outside of school and encouraging your child to complete math practice and read self-selected text at least 15-20 minutes every night.

  • Communicate high expectations regarding work ethic, assignment expectations and behaviour.

  • Praise and encourage your child for his/her efforts.

  • Contact me if you have any questions, concerns, etc... I am very pleased to be working with you this year to ensure the success of your child.

Mrs. Barb Makowsky

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Our YouTube channel:

2020-21 Schedule.PNG
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